5 Uncommon Poetry Tips to Instantly Write Better Poems

 5 Uncommon Poetry Tips to Instantly Write Better Poems by Nikita Shorikov

Tip 1: Focus on one central image or emotion

Tip 1.5: Keep your writing short

-Write 5 qualities short poems hyper-focused with one image or emotion 

But how do you do that?

2 solid ways:

1- Start with emotion and see what images stand out to you. 

So if you want to write about fear (let's say) see what images stick out to you and evoke that emotion (ghost/spider/dog)

2- Start from an image and see what images stand out to you. 

So if you want to write about a mint plant (let's say) see what images make you feel or what might be an interesting feeling to associate with it  (Freshness and Optimism/Cool Apathetic Distance)

Tip 2: Develop Tension.

The emotional pull between 2 things

You get tension when 2 elements are away pulling away from each other or are in opposition

Tension is another thing that poets, that starting out often,

How to Develop Tension?

3 Kinds Of Tension

1. Conflict / Narrative Tension

Character VS Something ( Character/Environment/Self)

Character VS Something/Killer/Lover/Gun

2. Thematic / Subtextual Tension


Some concepts are naturally in opposition to each other and invoking these oppositions is a great way to subtly add energy and life to your poetry.


Life Vs Death

Love Vs Hatred

Happiness Vs Sadness

Sunshine Vs Rain

Hot Vs Cold

Childhood Vs Adulthood

3. Formal / Structural Tension

Technical Choices

Tip 3: Leave some room for the reader

Less is more

Poetry is as much about what's NOT said as it is about what IS said

Open up to each reader's personal experience and interpretation

The balance between how much you want to say and how much you want to exclude 

Resist the temptation to give your poem one clear message or meaning

Instead, the focus develop images, emotions, themes

Tip 4:  Take a risk

Simple but powerful writing

Focused, Energetic, and Evocative poetry

Taking no risk will hold you back without a doubt

Taking too many risks will open up mistakes that you'll be too inexperienced to catch 

Try something news:

Experiment with techniques and poetic forms

Push boundaries

Play around with each new piece

Tip 5: Steal More

Some poets are hesitant to copy other poets and artists

When you start out you should copy it, take your favorite poem and rewrite it line by line, replace words in it, expand and shorten it, write your own version of carrot fan fiction, and find out why it works.

Immature poets imitate to learn and mature poets steal to improve

Immitation ➡️ Adaptation ➡️ Transformation

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